The 2006 One Book One Denver is The Milagro Beanfield War by John Nichols. i'm currently in the middle of the book and it is very enjoyable to read. Nichols is a skilled storyteller with an hilarious sense of humor. a favorite quote, "You're just farting words." favorite character is Pacheco's pig which is a living legend or Mercedes Rael "her most far reaching fame was her habit of throwing stones at people." the book was written in 1974, but is still relevent today especially for colorado as it faces the dilemma of water rights. i look forward to finding out how this rag tag community of milagro pulls together to fight off the large development project of their valley.
another oldie, but goodie that i am in the middle of is Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig. a slower read, but just as enjoyable. the author takes a long distance trek across the country with his son and friends and parallels his motorcycle "adventures" with a character named Phaedrus. Pirsig asks questions about technology and science.
I had the unfortunately pleasure of accidently wandering into Cuba Libre for dinner. The host showed has to a 4 top table in the middle of the dining room, but then the manager signaled for the host to move us to the back table that turned out to be the worse table in the restaurant right next to the kitchen. We walked in at 5:30pm where there was only a single diner in the whole place. Our dress was casual to business casual with jeans, but apparently that was not dressy enough for the manager. My question is where did the manager learn about restaurant management? This was not even close to a 5 star place and to make your guest feel less worthy in an empty dining hall is apalling. I will tell everyone I know to not go to this restaurant just for this fact alone!
Finally Denver Mayor Hickenlooper will be announcing the new 2006 One Book, One Denver title on Tuesday October 17. His record has been one good book, one bad book so we have a 50% chance that this one is a keeper. I loved Peace Like a River and it has become an all time favorite, but Carmelo was so bad, I did not finish it, something I rarely do. After reading the Amazon reviews, I may need to go back to Carmelo and see if I can finish it. I think the first time I didn't like Sandra Cisneros writing style, but I always like to read about new cultures and Mexican culture has always appealed to me. On the other hand Peace Like a River was such an easy read and the characters endeared themselves to me immediately.
i haven't posted anything for a month and half and so much has happened. too much to report on. trip to kentucky state fair, a visit to my new favorite restaurant Cafe Brazil in the Highlands, Mystic Pizza (like the movie) in CT, playa del carmen, a new year of Whiz Kids Tutoring, and a 29th birthday, oh my! i guess in the future i can hope for better success!