The name of the library: Smiley. Is that not the best name for a small neighborhood library?
Thursdays our library has story time including singing. We went yesterday for the first time and Miles loved it. The reader was so animated and great with all the kids. And it was FREE! When everything now cost something this was so worth our time. Afterward they open the toy shelves and closet for the kids to play for an hour. All the toys are available to be checked out just like a book from our Smiley Library.
We picked a wooden walker (pictured below) because I have been wanting to buy one for a week now, but I know Miles won't use it for long. How great that I can check one out for 3 weeks and then return it without spending any money. This walker is so cute and a creative design with 3 crocodiles that open and close their mouth as the walker moves. Fish on each of the wheels, water borders and bugs under the handle. Much sturdier than the cheap plastic ones.
Right now I'm reading Little Bee by Chris Cleave and Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris. I also have two sewing project books all from the library.
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