address book
word documents
google maps
text messaging
web access
i want to know a restaurant around a certain location, but no labtop, no phone book... well centro to the rescue. google maps can find restaurants and even connect you to them with a push of a button. What's the score of the football game? let me check on espn mobile. look there is the coat you want for your birthday... i'll send a picture to your husband. the uses are endless and I sometimes find myself staying up late to play the daily sudoku puzzle.
i did have one problem with the original centro i was sent. after about 5 days the ear piece stopped working and i could only hear when i turned the phone to speakerphone. i tried everything to get the sound to work again even tried a hard reset (wiping all information from the phone), but nothing worked. magically the next day it started working. well i wasn't going to risk it cutting out again so i went to the sprint store and they easily replaced it in a snap. no problem yet with centro part 2.
a few things could be improved like the ability to get hotmail pushed to the server and access to opera mini which is a program that allows phone users to see the whole web and zoom into a certain part of the page. a useful program my husband has on his touch phone. the white color that AT&T offers looks sleek, too bad it's not an option for sprint. and speaking of sprint, i'm not a big fan of them nickel-and-diming me for the added services like text messaging. i understand that's how they make their revenue since it's pure profit with infrastructure in place, but please just bundle all data including text messaging into one cost.
all in all i love my new phone and hope for a few software updates to make it even better.
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