be coincidence, my doctor called for a sleep study appointment the same day. the history there is that i don't sleep well and i am tired all day long most everyday. so the last time i was in to see the doctor or PA, she ordered a sleep test for me. that was about 3 months ago. i setup the test for tuesday night. i was hooked up to computers that monitored my blood pressure, my breathing, oxygen intake, brain waves etc. needless to say, i didn't sleep much that night. wait and see what comes about.

then we headed to casa bonita, a once in a life time trip, seriously you only need to go once. peter describes it as disneyland in colorado because they shamelessly try to get money from the parents for cheap toys and the like. the kids love it because there is a skit where someone always ends up in a "lagoon" below. it was disappointing that "bart's cave" was no more, as i remember the cave when i was in elementary school. the food is atrocious, you'd be better going to a hole in the wall down colfax for some authentic mexican food for a fraction of the price. overall, i think they liked it, but i hope they liked the museum better.

next task was trying to get it back to denver. i'm not confident yet to ride, so peter was my knight on a scooter and rode it home. he loved it, said he felt like dumb and dumber and couldn't stop smiling. my turn tonight!

***don't forget to vote tomorrow and while you're at, some restaurants want to give you free stuff to boot. check out the list here!
Thanks for the blog link! Love the scooter! Who's kids are those? Not Jody's, I don't think, his are little.
Those are Trina's kids. Fiona is almost 11 years old, Cuinn is 8, Ewan is 6.
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