since being pregnant, there is a ever growing list of don'ts. here are the ones i miss:
*top on my list has to be sleeping on my stomach. oh the warmth, the coziness of snuggling into myself and shutting out the world.
*next is sleeping on my back. you see i can't sleep on my stomach now for obvious reason of smashing my little baby boy, but apparently sleeping on your back puts the weight of baby on some important artery or veins to your legs. to that i say, who needs blood in the legs while you sleep? as my little burrito is still under a pound, i sneak onto my back every once in while to get some good sleep. i love sleep!

*red red wine. do i need to say more?
*running. now this one is up for debate and i have looked at plenty of websites that say running while pregnant is fine as long as you were a runner before you got knocked up, which i was. the problem is that this is the everlasting belief that a pregnant woman should relax and not overexert herself is widely held by most physicians, husbands, and women who write pregnancy books. yes my husband does not think i should run anymore until after the birth because of high heart rates and physicians. i might need to do more research to support the run through pregnancy theory, but think about women crossing the great plains or crossing the rocky mountains in a covered wagon, i'm fairly confident that on a daily basis their heart rate got well over 140 bpm. (note: i'm not saying i want to train for a marathon, i just want to continue running 3 miles even if it is a little slower than my regular pace).
*white wine with some cheese and crackers
*semi raw, uncooked food like medium rare steak with a nice glass of red wine or cookie dough or deli meat or slightly undercooked scrabbled eggs or a poached egg. something about salmonella and weaken immune systems. blah blah blah.
*touching my toes. ok i can still reach my shoelaces, but i foresee that being a problem very shortly and i don't want to lose mobility. peter likes to joke that no one tells me what i can and can't do which is true so this altering my life for my baby has been hard.
all that to say, i love my baby and i will do whatever it takes to have him healthy in my arms.
Oh,.... girl! I feel your pain. I have never liked sleeping on my side, and can not wait for next week, when I can wrap my arms around my pillows and fall into a long, uninterupted dose of 12 hours of sleep....
wait, what was that? Oh crap... im screwed. I miss sleep too!
I CANNOT wait to see you and that baby boy bump - they're the best! Just take comfort that by #2 you'll be way more relaxed about all the rules and your kid will still survive, albeit not quite as verbal as #1, but I think that's merely coincidence.
Also, you can still sleep on your back as long as you have a small pillow under your hip/lower back on one side, no one tells you this except other women who have already had babies, so there you go. It's not that you have to be completely on your side, it's just you can't be flat on your back and a 5 degree raise counts. :)
YEAH, YEAH, YEAH for a trip to CO where I get to see you and your growing family! Can't wait! Woo-hoo!!!
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