Hello Beavers |
We spent the weekend in Beaver Creek, CO with my husband's company. Read: all expense paid weekend in the mountains. Only problem, no sitter for our little one. Oh well, I can only do so much shmoozing with the wifes and his coworkers. This was Miles' first ride on a ski lift, but fairly positive it won't be his last if my husband has his way.
Dad gets his coffee |
After our ride to the top there was breakfast and a giant sandbox. Miles was in heaven.
Horseshoes anyone? |
Don't you love trying to get pictures of your little one these days? It's like tracking a dog. "This bucket is nice. Oh wait, there's a better bucket. What? You had a perfect shot if I would just be still?" Good luck on ever getting the perfect shot. And family pictures are truly a prize to get him 1. calm. 2. smiling. 3. today. So our family portrait was classic.
Squirmy boy |
In running news, I ran 8.6 miles when I got back from the mountains at a respectable pace especially for not running all weekend long. Today I did some strides again, but this time on the awful treadmill. Note to self, get workout done in the morning so you are not forced to run on a hamster wheel in the basement in the evening which feels like it takes 100x more effort to run on than out in nature. This is truly how I feel on the treadmill.
I'm starting "Maximize your Mornings Challenge" tomorrow. For those of us who are mothers, the fundamental idea is to stop waking up TO our children and start waking up FOR them. The idea is for me to wake up before Miles starts chatting in his crib. To have quality time with myself reading the Bible, getting my run in and doing a few chores before Miles is awake. Doing a task with Miles as my "helper" takes about 10x as long as if I can just do it real quick on my own. But, I whole heartly admit that I am not a morning person. I have always hit the snooze button as far back as high school, in college and all through my career. But I see the value of waking up early and I want to work towards being a morning person. Wish me luck!
Good for you Song! You're doing great on your mileage too! I wish you great luck with your early mornings...I'm also NOT at all a morning person, but have really thrived under my schedule of getting up early to exercise before work...it's really the only time it'll get done, and I feel better having started off my day that way.
Hi Song! This is Dena from your email group. I lived in Colo Springs for a few years. Colorado is definitely one of Gods wonderful creations. I am excited to join you in this journey of strengthening our walk with Christ and becoming better mothers and wives.
Leaving a comment :) Weekend trip sounded fu-un and I am so proud of you for running! PS you look great!
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