Vail, Kentucky and many miles in between
Here's a quick update of what we have been up to this month: I've been crafty. I sewed the cutest booties from this book. They look great on, you'll have to trust me on this one since I can't get a picture where Miles isn't kicking his feet around. And I made a new skater hat since the other one was getting too small.
Peter went to the awful Bronco game where they got stomped by the Raiders. You remember the one, the complete embarrassment of a game (quick tangent: I have hated, yes hated McDaniels from the very beginning and I continue to hate him. I know hate is a strong word, but my love for the Broncos is equally strong). Above is a picture of dad and son in matching jerseys. I started Miles on avocados and he's not a fan of avocados like his mother (you can tell by his face). He loves bananas, but I will still get him to like the best fruit God made. We might have the next baby Mozart since he does fall asleep each night to Mozart and his dad likes to play Mozart on the piano. Miles has discovered splashing in the tub which is fun to see his face light up and since he can sit pretty much on his own now, he's not so scared of drowning.
Early October, the Summers clan went up to Vail to celebrate my parents' 40th anniversary. Can you believe there is a house that can fit our whole family?
Yep and Miles was able to take naps while the 3 little girls ran around blowing their toy trumpets. We were so blessed to be able to use this amazing house that had a huge built in hot tub, game room, sauna, library, 10 bedrooms with attached bathes, etc.
And mid-October we flew to Kentucky for Peter's parents' 40th anniversary (I know wacky, both our parents got married in the same year). My parents went along and fun was had by all. We went to the Maker's Mark distillery and saw the whole family as this was the first time most of his family got to meet Miles.
Miles had his 6 month appointment a few days ago and he is in the 90% for height and 40% for weight, a little string bean. He keeps growing and changing everyday, I love him more and more.
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